
Honestly, I think it is okay to laugh. Just don't laugh too hard. Laughing too hard can cause many aliments such as a dislocated jaw, headaches, etc. The New York Times says,"The force of laughing can dislocate jaws, prompt asthma attacks, cause headaches, make hernias protrude. It can provoke cardiac arrhythmia, syncope or even emphysema." Haven't you ever has shortness of breath after laughing? I have, and it doesn't feel good, at all. Still, on my worst of days, a laugh has made me smile. It has made me want to jump up and down, and feel as if I would live forever. It gives me a sense of humor. states,"Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert." So, laughing is good and bad.
Laughing has two sides, like most things do, one good and one bad. It is good to laugh, just not too much. If I had to choose between laughing or not, I would laugh. How do you feel about laughing? Answer in the comments.
- I will remember the Boston Bombings the most. (My sister was in Boston.)
- The most pop culture memorable moment for me was hearing my favorite band, Imagine Dragons, on the radio. (FINALLY!)
- The most memorable in my personal life was having realization.That is what 2013 taught me, to find that every single second we have on Earth is precious. Don't waste your time.
- I look forward to learning more about the world in 2014. Learning more about myself in the process.