Friday, December 13, 2013

The Sting of a Bee


Have you ever gotten stung by a bee? If you did, you probably got too close to a nest. People get too close to bees and scare them all the time. The real question is why do they sting those people? Even if they are scared, they sometimes don't sting the person. All they are, sometimes, focused on is collecting nectar from flowers. Some are even allergic to the insects.The honey bee even dies after it stings you. So, why would they protect themselves just to die? Want to find out why they sting? Read on.


After researching, I think that bees actually have a pretty good reason to sting, to protect their hives. Most of the time, bees only sting if you go too close to their hive and the queen. Males bees don't even have stingers! After one bee stings you, it calls other bees using a pheromone to sting you, too. stated," Not all bees sting. Male bees cannot, and bees are not out to get anyone! They will only usually sting if they are provoked or feel threatened." However, that doesn't mean that you can just go up to a bunch of bees, in a hive, and they won't sting you. You could possibly have an allergic reaction to them, if you have one then you are in trouble. said,"Some people are allergic to the venom in bee stings. For these people, a sting can trigger an allergic reaction that causes a dangerous — and sometimes deadly — condition called anaphylactic shock." So, be careful around bees, better to be safe than to be sorry.

Top Ten Facts about Bees

  1. Honey bees can sting other insects repeatedly. 
  2. They are the only insect that makes food eaten by humans.
  3. A queen bee can lay up to 2500 eggs in a day.
  4. Male honey bees, or drones,do not work at all. 
  5. Worker bees can live four to six weeks. Their life span is actually longer during the winter.
  6.  Honey bees were brought to America by Europeans. 
  7. The stinger of a honey bee is barbed.
  8. Honey bees will sting you if they see you as a threat.
  9. Queen bees have stingers, but they don't use them often.


Bees aren't really bad. They are just protecting themselves and their home. Now that you know a little more about bees, what are your view on them? Answer in the comments below. 

* and were also used to get some of the information here.

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