Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Technology Hurting Us


       Computers, Phones, and many more advancements of technology have taken place in the past century. They help us to connect with each other, capture memories, and keep us updated on news. Perfectly harmless, right? Things like that are amazing. However, advancements in technology could be harming us.


      Maybe advancements in technology aren't the best thing ever. Computers and social networking sites are outlets for bullying. Cyber bullying can be more harmful than physical bullying since it will last forever. Phones are giving us distractions due to the amount of applications added on today. E-mail makes sending messages to faraway people more insincere. Distancing people from the ones closest (literally) to them. So, technology is somewhat of a blessing and a curse. Helping and Hurting.

Final Thoughts

      So, what are your thought on technology? You already know mine so let me know yours! Answer in the comments below.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Scented Products


     Shampoo, body wash, lotions, and especially perfume usually contain synthetic fragrance. To keep trade secrets safe, producers of fragrance are enabled to withhold the ingredients. So, you cannot depend on the labels to tell you what is in the scent. However, this can mean bad news for consumers. It means that anything could make up that addicting floral scent of your shampoo. 


      Synthetic fragrance is not good. It can be made up of hundreds or even thousands of chemicals. Even if a label says fragrance-free it could still have fragrance to cover up chemical scents. The health problems it can bring about is also bad. Chemicals in the fragrance, like phtalates, can cause allergies, birth defects, and cancer.

Final Thoughts

      Why risk it? Try to avoid fragrances. Something as simple as reading the label can help you keep away from the dangerous scents. What are your thoughts on synthetic fragrance? Answer in the comments below.


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Dangerous Hand Sanitizer?


    Hand sanitizer. We find ourselves using it when in not so clean situations and having no sink or soap available. However, could it be harming you? Well, yes. Specific ingredients in hand sanitizer, that is. Ingredients like triclosan, parabens, and fragrance. All can be harmful. Want to find out how? Just read on.


    Some hand sanitizers are okay to use, in a pinch, others are not. Ones with triclosan aren't okay to use. Even though it is supposed to prevent bacteria growth, it might end up making some bacteria unaffected by antibiotics. Parabens aren't a good ingredient either. Even if it is the safest synthetic preservative, it is best to stay away from them. For fragrance, you don't know what is in it. It could be one or it could be hundreds of chemicals. Those chemicals could cause allergies, respiratory distress, and other things. 

Final Thoughts

    It's better to use soap and water than hand sanitizers. Your hands are still dirty after you use hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizers with 60% alcohol are good at killing bacterial viruses. So, what are your thoughts on hand sanitizer? Answer in the comments below.

Myth News Article!!!

Below is a link to a myth news article I created with another blogger. Check it out, if you want.

Butterflies, In Danger


   From the title, you tell this is going to be about butterflies. More specifically Monarch butterflies. Research from the WWF  tells that fewer of these butterflies migrated, last year, than in any years since the records started 20 years ago. You see, their population has been decreasing due to more than a few things. Less milkweed in many places, climate, and having their homes disappear.


      I think that this is not good. Monarch butterflies pollinate plants. Milkweed and other plants are being cut down to make space for building projects. The thing is, milkweed is essential to a monarch butterflies life. They lay their eggs on only milkweed and eat only milkweed. With it being cleared, it's no wonder why monarch butterfly population is lessening. Deforestation clears their home. The weather has played a role in this, too. Heavy rain and very cold temperatures could kill them during their long migration. 

Final Thoughts

     What do you think about butterflies? Answer in the comments below.




    Eros. Also known as Cupid in Roman myths. The god of love. He is the son of Aphrodite and possibly Ares. Eros fell in love with a mortal, Psyche, that he was supposed to punish when he grazed himself with his own arrow. He had two types of arrows. One type awakened love while the other brought on indifference.  Some of Eros' characteristics are romantic, mischievous, and handsome. Eros was respected because love holds great power that he could control.


      I chose this god for a blog post because I didn't know anything about Eros. Now that I know more about him, I see that he is one of my favorites. Very loyal to his mother and having the ability to forgive his love after she doubted him. I would probably respect and fear Eros. Respect because of his loyalty to his mother and having forgiveness. Fear because Eros basically controls your love life. Scary. His greatest strength are his looks and inspiring. His greatest weakness is his sudden mood changes.

Final Thoughts

What are your thoughts on Eros? Would you fear him, respect him, or both? Answer in the comments below.

Sunday, May 11, 2014



      Imagine this, having a job to do all year, 24/7. You have absolutely no pay or vacation days. All the cooking, cleaning, shopping, and everything you do provides no living. During holidays, your job is twice as hard. Instead of earning money, you loose it. You are a maid, driver, shopper, cook, etc. You are everything. Sometimes, you want to quit, but you accepted responsibility and care too much to leave. What job is this? It is being a mom.  


        Moms are like the strongest people, ever. They make great sacrifices to raise their kids well. Good moms at least. Without moms, we would be nothing. For all the work they do, there isn't a price you can put on it. The only thing to do is to pay them back with love and kindness. You really can't replace them. If you tried, you probably wouldn't find one. Seriously, don't even try. Just please, don't.

Final Thoughts

         This post was for Mother's Day. Moms should be acknowledged for their hard work. What are your thoughts on moms? Answer in the comments below.