Saturday, March 8, 2014

Animal Shelters


    Dogs, cats, and more. Plenty of animals end up in shelters every year. Fortunately, they have a place to stay before someone comes to take them to a new home. Unfortunately, not all will  be adopted. Older dogs, cats, etc. usually stay there until they die or are put down. Why? The answer is quite simple. People want "cute" and young puppies or kittens. However, people do still adopt adult or senior dogs and cats. Stories are different for other animals. The thing is, more and more older dogs are being put in shelters. Eventually, there gets to be too many dogs or cats and the oldest ones (often times) are first to be put down. Though, this is quite unfair. Want to learn more, read on.


     Animal shelters are both good and bad places, is what I think. They do give salvation to dogs or cats that have been abused or worse. However, for most dogs and cats in shelters they stay there for the rest of their lives. People buy from puppy mills, places where dogs are raised in horrible conditions, pet stores or breeders. Getting a shelter pet is saving a life because some shelters kill the pets there. The pets in shelters will die in a cage with no one wanting them if people continue to not even consider getting one. This is the sad truth. So give them a chance at a new life! You'd be surprised at how they can still trust even though someone betrayed them.

Final Thoughts

     I'm pretty happy with how many animals are being saved. Not so happy with how many are being adopted. Though, baby steps right? Would you adopt a shelter pet? Why? Answer in the comments below.


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